Purse made from felted green fabric

This is the purse I made from the green fabric I felted.

The background fabric is layered greens and blues. There are white oval shapes covered with blue, and yellow/orange flower petals. The flowers match perfectly with the satin lining which was made from a cast-off skirt. The ring handles were also cast-offs from a purse that was no longer useful.It measures about 14 1/2″ high (including the handles) by 11″ wide. It measures 9″ high not including the handles.

You can buy it on my website at Shop The Black Sheep

2 thoughts on “Purse made from felted green fabric

  1. Wow! This is really beautiful, I would never have guessed it was felt! It looks like a painting that was just magically made into a purse form. Very lovely. 🙂

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